Lady Autumn Designs ™

About Lady Autumn

My Crafts
Contact Me
My Policies
About Lady Autumn
Crafting the Craft ™
Wand Bags

Many customers like to know about the company and people behind the products they buy. So on this page I will take the time to tell you a little about Lady Autumn DesignsÔ , about my philosophies, my crafts and answer a few Q&A!

My Fundraising Philosophy

The objective of my fundraising efforts is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for my customers. I hope you will enjoy visiting my web site and using my products as much as I enjoyed creating them for you!
Yes, this is a fundraising effort. I am a Spiral Scout's leader for my son's Hearth and as a military family we live on a very tight budget. In order to be able to finance activities for the Hearth we have to raise the money. We are looking to take on two new scouts this spring so we really need to kick it in gear and get our account back into shape.

Do you have employees?

No. I make each and every craft on my own as time permits. I am a full time college student and stay at home mom. I am also very active in the local Pagan commnity so when time permits I craft my hear out! Be at ease, if you place a custom order with me I will schedule time to complete your order. It will not sit for weeks or months waiting to be completed.  LOL!

Do you make any other crafts?

Oh yeah! I was raised in a crafting household! My mother is a quilter and my father is a professional photographer so I picked up both of those arts fairly young! Now I have branched off into other crafts such as scrapbooking, rubber stamping, woodworking, making paper, counted cross stitch and so much more! I even teach other crafts so if you are local to me, drop me an e-mail! LOL! 

Want your own unique witch hat? Get it from Artemis Moon! Click my pic!

Here is my son in his Spiral Scouts uniform!

I would like to see your crafts in person. Do you sell your things in a store?

I currently do not sell any of my crafts in a store front setting but if you are a merchant and you are interested in carrying some of my crafts, just let me know! From time to time I do set up booths at Pagan events so you can always come see me there!

Schedule of Events for 2004

  • Feb. 19 - 22, 2004 Convocation: At this event I will be selling my crafts from my hotel room. Look for my poster by the merchant room for my room number! I am also donating a few items for the benefit raffle so bid well!
  • April 30 - May 2, 2004 Beltane at LBL: Look for my tent!
  • June 18 - 20, 2004 Summer Solstice Festival at LBL: At this event I will have my own booth in the vendors row! I am facilitating some classes and discussions on all three days so I will not always be at my table. You can catch me after a class, workshop or discussion or stop by my tent just ring the bell!
  • Sept. 11, 2004 Pagan Pride Day in Nashville: Watch for my booth, I will be right next to the children's activites table since I am the Children's Activities Coordinator and I am running a few classes!
  • Feb. 17 - 20, 2005 Convocation: At this event I hope to be teaching a class on Magickal Papermaking. If my application is accepted I will be taking part in the teachers co-op table as well. Look for me, you cannot miss my big old Autumn Witch Hat!

Lady Autumn Designs    *    Fort Campbell, KY    *    (931) 284-1759

© 2003 & 2004~ All Rights Reserved by Lady Autumn