Why Crafting the CraftÔ ?
When you think of crafts I bet the first thing that comes to mind is little Girl Scouts sitting at a table making some
horrible little do-dads for someone’s Christmas tree. Have you ever considered that there is more to crafting than simple
childhood crafts? Have you ever thought of starting a craft but that little voice inside your head says: I am not creative
enough! I don’t have the time! It’s just too expensive!? Well, I have started this series of articles to change
your mind about that! I believe that if I can show you how to intertwine your faith with crafts, you might be more inclined
to sit down and start one! In this series I will give you ideas, the how-to, interviews with Crafters, and good websites or
stores to visit! So sit back an relax and enjoy another article on “Crafting The Craft.”
Want to read
more installments of
Crafting the CraftÔ ?
I have been writing the Crafting the CraftTM (CTC) series since sometime in 2002. The
first published issue of CTC appeared in the Willows Way Yule 2002 edition. In addition to CTC, I also write book reviews,
commentaries and other article series such as Kidz KornerTM.
Since most people do not have access to the publications that my articles appear in I figured I would provide
them here on my website! So click on the link below and it will take you to Lady Autumn Speaks. It is a complete collection
of the various articles, commentaries or artwork that have been published in various pagan publications.
***To the right side of this page
you will see the most current edition of Crafting the CraftTM featured here for your enjoyment. When the next issue comes
out I will move the currently featured issue over to Lady Autumn Speaks that way I can share the newest issue here with you!
Harmony on your Altar
Have you ever seen the altars of others and wondered… where
did they find all that matching stuff? Their altar looks so great! Why can’t I have a harmonious altar? Well now you
can, by crafting the magically mundane! Thanks to stores like Wal-mart you can find everything you need to make those things
for your altar that you can’t find in pagan shops, all in one stop!
On my home altar you can find matching statues, patton, wall plaques
and candle holders that I bought from my favorite Pagan suppliers. Until a few months ago the rest of the things on my altar
were a combination of practical things that looked kind of tacky together. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great
to have the things like a salt dish, offering bowl, water decanter and such all match my great greenish chalice? So I gave
away my mismatched things and went to my local Wal-mart and purchased simple clear glass items such as a water decanter, a
bowl, a plate, a sugar dish with lid and some “small taper” candle holders. All these items were found in the
house wares section and were prices extremely low. Then I ran over to the crafts section and grabbed a bottle of glass primer
for a couple of bucks. Heading over to the spray paint section, I found a can of Plasti-Kote Fleck Stone in a great green
color and a can of Plasti-Kote Clear-Kote.
Now using the Plasti-Kote line is really simple! For this project
I used a simple spray primer for glass and prepared all the glass items I bought. After about 15 minutes it was dry and I
sprayed the first coat of Fleck Stone on all the items. It took a few hours for it to dry but when it was, I sprayed them
with a second coat. After the second coat was dry I finished up the project with a coat of Clear-Kote and let than harden.
That was it, I was left with all these great items that had mundane uses, that I now use for a magickal purpose! The sugar
bowl with lid makes a great place to store salt and keep it away from moisture. The bowl and plate make great offering dishes!
The candle stick holders are great for holding those smaller tapers that you can buy in various colors for spells. And the
water decanter is great for mixing up salt water and storing it for the next ritual without it evaporating! Now everything
on my altar matches or complements each other for a harmonious and beautiful altar that even non-pagans can appreciate!