Lady Autumn Designs ™

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About Lady Autumn
Crafting the Craft ™
Wand Bags


Welcome to Lady Autumn Designs TM!

Lady Autumn Designs is the only place you can find "magickally mundane items," handmade and available for sale!

Please be patient while Lady Autumn rebuilds this website! She has many more great fabrics and unique crafts to offer. She will be able to update the website more after festival season.

Hail & Welcome to Lady Autumn Designs! My name is Lady Autumn and I am the sole creator of this website and the crafts found here. I am so glad you found my website and took the time to browse my crafts. All of the crafts I offer are homemade by me, in my spare time, and are truly "magickally mundane."

What? You do not know what “Magickally mundane” means? Well I admit, it is a bit of an oxymoron but it was the only phrase that really describes my crafts. See some folks are kitchen witches, some are green witches… me? I am a practical witch! "Magickally Mundane" simply means something that is magickal and mundane at the same time. Basically a practical item with two uses.

It all started when I was given my first wand. I had brought it to a couple of public, outdoor rituals and each time I brought it to the event it seemed that someone unwelcome picked it up, it got dirty, or it got scratched up in transit to the ritual location. I knew I had to come up with some way to protect it and one afternoon it hit me, I had these cute fleece leopard socks that my MIL made me. Being from “Tuckessee” I was quite used to not wearing socks so they were not really getting used. So I took one of them and put my wand in it. My kid sister saw my “sock bag” for my wand and snagged the other sock for her own wand. Well, it worked for a bit but the problem was the sock was entirely too big and it would come out of the bag quite often. So inspiration struck a second time and I ran to my nearest fabric store and bough some more fleece, some ribbon and some beads and got to crafting. A couple of prototypes later I came up with the perfect “wand bag”: soft, stretchable, conforming, has a closure, and looks great! After no time, I was finding all sorts of colors of ribbons, beads and fabric and before you knew it I was applying the concepts of color magick to each wand bag. And that is when the idea of “magickally mundane” really came to fruition. Here, I have a bag that has a mundane purpose to protect my magickal item and by using a bit of color magick, my wand was not only mundanely protected, but magickally protected as well!

So sit and stay awhile, I am sure after no time you will find something here that strikes your fancy! If you don’t find what you are looking for and you don’t think you can develop the idea, or make the craft yourself, send me an e-mail…I am always looking for new sources of information! Brightest Blessings & Welcome!

Available through this site or on eBay:
on eBay bidding begins at $1
or By it Now here!
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Lady Autumn Designs    *    Fort Campbell, KY    *    (931) 284-1759

© 2003 & 2004~ All Rights Reserved by Lady Autumn